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... much like Android, but unfortunately Samsung did not use Bada on a large scale for unknown reasons. The latest version Bada 2.0.5 was released on March .... Previously, Samsung had a version that only ran on Samsung devices. The latest Samsung watch—the Samsung Gear Live—uses the latest Android Wear .... Also, most devices will be using the latest version of iOS. ... There are Android versions with Samsung or Huawei flavors, each doing things slightly differently.. To have a better control over the quality, in recent versions Android also incorporates ... In 2013 Samsung abandoned Bada, their proprietary operating system, .... From the very early versions, Android watches were well capable of playing games, thus entering the game development ... These companies include Samsung, Motorola, LG, HTC, ASUS, and others. ... The latest advanced watches offer .... Samsung listened to the users and in June of 2010, released the Galaxy S mobile ... This is the latest version of the Android operating system (v.6.0) designed.. NMOBILE OS CODING LANGUAGES Android Versions DVM/ API level ART 9.0 ... It is Samsung also owns an designed for mid-range and high-end smart-phones. ... reason S. The latest version Bada 2.0.5 was released on March 15th, 2012.. and Samsung's Bada. ... Oreo 8.1 is so far the latest Android version from Google. This version is full of many APIs and features and hence, extending the ... fc1563fab4